Strategies for Human Resource Management: A Total Business Approach (Coopers & Lybrand) - Coopers & Lybrand Deloitte
in den Warenkorb Human resource managers are increasingly being asked to take a more business-orientated role and to demonstrate that HR strategies and policies contribute directly to business goals. Human Resource Management in the 1990s takes each key area of HR management and summarises the "best proactive" approaches being adopted by leading-edge organisations to achieve this business-orientated role. The HR manager's role is considered in its broadest possible scope and includes topics such as total quality management and change management which HR managers have only recently begun to deal with. The book draws on the very wide experience of a leading firm of management consultants with all sorts of companies, including major multi-nationals. There is also a chapter specifically devoted to human resource management in the public sector. Coverage includes - HR development; performance management; international HRM; reward management; TQM and customer cafe; employee communications; HR information systems; organization strategy and much more. |